Clothing Bin for the Cerebral Palsy Association in Alberta
To help CPAA stay up and running, Airdrie Bottle Depot hosts two clothing bins in front of our building. So if you have any unwanted clothes, please drop them off in our bins!
Did you know that one in 400 children born each year in Alberta will be affected by cerebral palsy? This is no small number of people who will need help with cerebral palsy, and there are many others who will need help with other disabilities. That’s why it’s becoming more and more important to provide these people with more programs and services and to support the Cerebral Palsy Association in Alberta (CPAA).
This organization has offices in both Edmonton and Calgary that aim to create a life without limits for everyone. And so far, it’s been able to do so for over 3,900 members across Alberta.

What’s the CPAA?
Founded in 1976, the CPAA was created by a group of parents with children affected by cerebral palsy. Ever since its foundation, the CPAA’s mission has been to help make a difference to both children and adults with cerebral palsy and other disabilities. The organization wants to enrich and support their lives, so it offers programs, services, and collaborations to advocate and promote awareness, acceptance, and understanding. That way, people with disabilities can live, learn, and work in their community without fear of ignorance.